Featured Faculty
Religious Studies
Areas of Expertise: Hebrew Language, Deuteronomy, Scripture and Environmentalism
Contact: srichter@leela-thaimassage.com or (805) 565-6168
Areas of Expertise: Experimental Particle Physics, Search for New Fundamental Particles; the ATLAS Experiment in Geneva, Switzerland, Higgs Boson, Dark Matter
Contact: bcarlson@leela-thaimassage.com or (805) 565-7015
Areas of Expertise: cosmic microwave background, astrophysics, origin science, the Simons Array in Chile.
Contact: jito@leela-thaimassage.com
Westmont Faculty: Westmont faculty hold doctoral degrees from many of the world's finest research universities. They regularly receive grants from sources such as the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, The American Chemical Society, the Templeton Foundation, and the Pew Charitable Trusts. Many faculty involve students directly in their scholarly research projects, providing opportunities for undergraduates distinct from the university setting.
- Art
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Communication Studies
- Computer Science
- Economics and Business
- Education
- Engineering Physics
- English
- French
- History
- Kinesiology
- Mathematics
- Modern Languages
- Music
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Religious Studies
- Sociology and Anthropology
- Spanish
- Theatre Arts
Illustration, Painting, Drawing, Computer Graphics, Graphic Design
16th and 17th century Dutch and Flemish Art, Visual Arts and Christian Worship
Invertebrate Zoology; Gorgonian Corals; Marine Biology; Marine, Natural History: California, Galapagos Islands, East Africa, New Zealand; Animal Diversity; Marine Mammals of the Pacific Northwest to California
Physiological ecology of water relations; Evolution of altruism and moral systems; Theological implications of Darwinism.
Plant ecology, physiological ecology, environmental ecology, and restoration ecology.
Life-history evolution; comparative physiology; behavioral ecology; urban ecology; ecology, evolution, and conservation of snakes and lizards across California
Communication Studies
Organizational Communication, Dialogue, and Conflict & Reconciliation
Public Discourse, Argumentation and Advocacy, Communication Criticism
Interpersonal Communication, Health Communication, Research Methods
Computer Science
Data Analytics, Ubiquitous Computing, Human-Computer Interaction, Sustainability/Transition Informatics, Machine Learning, Sonorum Frostonium
Economics and Business
Unsuccessful settlement negotiations, antitrust policies, state and county incarceration rates, earnings inequalities, and the economic implications of antitrust and discrimination cases.
History of Economic Thought; Financial Markets; Christianity and Economics
Educational Leadership, Secondary Education, Professional Teaching Dispositions
Her primary focus has been fostering conceptual understanding and appreciation for the teaching of mathematics.
History of American Education, Curriculum and Instruction in History/Social Studies
Engineering Physics
Aerospace Engineering Science, Engineering Mechanics, Innovation in Product/Systems Design
Early modern British literature and culture, especially poetry of the long eighteenth century; literature and the environment; and poetics of sustainability
Tom Stoppard and Contemporary Drama, 20th-Century Irish Literature, Shakespeare in Performance, Faulkner
Victorian literature, women writers, gender, and novels
Comparative literature; how literature offers rich approaches to environmental studies, medicine, theology, and visual arts.
Medieval literature, the history of emotions, death studies, law and politics in Middle English literature, sociolinguistic approaches to literature, Chaucer
Rhetoric and composition (history of rhetoric, epideictic rhetoric, minority and women’s rhetorics, rhetoric in Christian tradition, composition pedagogy and assessment, writing across the curriculum, writing center studies); postcolonial literature and theory (international fiction, literary nationalism, periodical studies)
The historical evolution of the U.S. political economy, slavery and abolition, US imperialism, drug addiction, Chinese migration and the Pacific world.
Physical Therapy, Motor Behavior, Neurophysiology
Psychology/Sociology of Movement and Character and Leadership Development
Computational Harmonic Analysis, Data Science, Mathematics Education
Complex analysis; Theological and philosophical issues relating to mathematics
Modern Languages
20th-Century Latin American Novels; Contemporary Latin American Women Writers; Ekphrastic Writing; Cuban Literature
Spanish and 20th century Latin American literature, especially poetry
Composition, Computer Aided Music, Music History, Music Theory
Ethics (especially Metaethics), Epistemology, Philosophy of Religion
Moral and Political Philosophy, Practical Ethics, Philosophy of Religion
Epistemology, Philosophy of Religion, Christian Apologetics
Political Science
International Politics, International Development, Empirical Political Research and International Conflict & Peace Building.
Political Theory, Constitutional Law, Political Theology, Religion and Politics, First Amendment Law
The role of public opinion in foreign policy, the politics of sport.
Cognition, Emotion, Psychophysiology (HRV), Social Cognition
Religious Studies
Christian missiology, world religions, religion and globalization
New Testament, Second Temple Judaism, and war, family and violence in the Bible
Early Christian literature and theology; wealth and poverty in early Christianity; Greco-Roman medicine and early Christian healthcare
Hebrew Language, Deuteronomy, the Deuteronomistic History, Isaiah Archeology and the Bible, and American environmental practice.
Systematic and philosophical theology, moral theology, Old Testament
Sociology and Anthropology
Human Services, Sociological Practice, Sociology of Gender, Sociology of Violence, Trauma Recovery.
Sociology of Religion, Social Epidemiology, Life Course, Quantitative Methods.
Social media and digital technology, sociology of culture.
Teaching Interests: Sociology of Gender; Sociology of Race & Ethnicity; Sociology of Religion; Social Theory.
20th-Century Latin American Novels; Contemporary Latin American Women Writers; Ekphrastic Writing; Cuban Literature
Spanish and 20th century Latin American literature, especially poetry
Research Interests: Spanish Golden Age Theater (‘comedia nueva’) and 20th century Peninsular Literature and Film.
Theatre Arts
Lighting and sound design, technical direction, production management, and color theory
Acting, Physical Theatre, Voice, Shakespeare, Clown, Actor Movement, Devised Theatre