Campus Safety Clery Report
Campus Safety Annual Security and Fire Safety Report 2020-2022
Crime Statistics
This report has been prepared in accordance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crimes Statistics Act (formerly the Campus Security Act of 1990) of 1998 and to implement the requirements of the 2008 Higher Education Opportunity Act Fire Safety Reporting provisions. These laws require Colleges and Universities to annually distribute information about its campus safety procedures, crime statistics, and campus fire safety procedures and statistics to the Federal Department of Education, as well as to the institution’s current and prospective students, parents, and employees. The URL address for this report is distributed annually to current students and employees through the campus email system.
Campus Safety Services
The Campus Safety Department employs one full-time Chief, 5 full-time 12 month staff, two part-time assistant and shared clerical support staff. We also contract with a licensed security company to provide additional patrol services. The Campus Safety Department assists in preserving a safe environment, and protects faculty, staff, students, and property from crime and safety hazards. Specific services include but are not limited to 24 hour a day 7 days a week security patrols, the locking and unlocking of buildings, parking regulations enforcement, campus escorts, and dissemination of safety-related information. The Campus Safety Department reports to the Vice President of Finance. The Ocean View apartments and Downtown building are serviced by a contracted private security guard company which provides periodic patrols between the hours of 3pm-6:30am 7 days a week.
The arrest authority of the Campus Safety officers is the same as private citizens as specified in the California State Penal Code. The Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department has the jurisdiction over criminal matters on the Campus. At the Ocean View apartments located in the City of Santa Barbara, the Police department of Santa Barbara has jurisdiction over criminal matters. All officers receive training through the California College and University Police Chiefs Association. All campus buildings are key locked with a removable core system designed to insure the prompt re-keying of locks when keys have been lost. Burglar alarms are located in special areas to protect property. All of the residence halls and major buildings have fire alarm systems in place that are monitored by in-house staff and an alarm monitoring company. Many buildings are also protected by fire sprinkler systems. Westmont is committed to a retro-fit program that is installing fire sprinklers in all the residence halls and major buildings. All of the residence halls are locked.
In the event of an emergency, all faculty, staff, students, and visitors should call 911, and then call the Campus Safety Department. The Campus Safety Department can be reached from any campus phone by dialing ex. 6222 or (805) 565-6222 from an off campus phone. The Campus Safety Department is located in the office area of the Physical Plant Department building.
Westmont posts warnings of crimes committed that may impact the safety of staff and students. These postings may take the form of all campus voicemails and or flyers on the bulletin boards throughout the campus. These warnings are for the purpose of raising the awareness of staff and students of their surroundings and personal safety.
Cooperation with Local Law Enforcement
Westmont enjoys an open and positive relationship with local law enforcement officials and shares information about criminal activity when it involves the College. We collect statistics of reportable crimes, as required and defined in the Clery Act from the local law enforcement agencies.
Westmont encourages victims of crime to report incidents to Campus Safety regardless of how insignificant the crime may appear. To report a crime, a victim or witness need only call extension 6222 or 565-6222. (In all emergencies, always call 911 first.) A Campus Safety officer will take the information. The officer will make an official report and send a copy to the victim upon request. College administrators receive reports about crime on a regular basis.
Westmont Campus Safety officers will also assist victims who want to report crimes to the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department or Santa Barbara Police Department.
Alcohol Policies
Westmont expects all students to uphold both California state laws and these college policies regarding alcoholic beverages. For the policies below Ocean View apartments are considered campus housing.
State Law
In the state of California, persons under the age of 21 shall not purchase, consume or possess alcoholic beverages. In addition, it is against California law to sell or furnish alcoholic beverages to persons under 21 years of age.
Possession and Consumption
Westmont prohibits the presence or consumption of alcoholic beverages on campus and at off-campus Westmont student-sponsored or related activities. Any student in the presence of alcohol on campus (regardless of who actually owns it or who brought it to campus) will be considered in violation of this policy.
Alcohol Containers
Westmont prohibits the presence of full or empty alcoholic beverage containers anywhere on campus, including vehicles. Students are responsible to ensure that no guest brings full or empty alcohol containers on campus.
Drinking in Moderation
Westmont expects students of legal drinking age who choose to drink alcoholic beverages to be moderate in their consumption. Any consumption of alcoholic beverages by any student that results in impairment or intoxication is a serious violation of community standards.
Off-Campus Hosting Responsibilities
It is a serious violation of both California law and college policy to directly or indirectly provide alcoholic beverages that are consumed by underage visitors. It is also a violation to collect money for admission to events where alcoholic beverages are either directly or indirectly provided. Any off-campus student who lives where a hosting violation of the alcohol policy occurs and is present at such time may also be in violation of this policy. Students who host events off-campus (either at their residence or other venues) and choose to provide alcohol or allow alcohol to be present at the event are responsible to ensure that no underage or excessive consumption of alcohol occurs at the event and must take reasonable steps to ensure this does not occur. At a minimum, hosts must:
Accurately identify guests under the age of 21 (e.g. checking IDs) and clearly designate them in some way (e.g. marking hands, wristbands, etc.).
Clearly communicate to guests under the age of 21 that they are not to consume alcohol at the event even though alcohol may be present (e.g. stated in invitations, visible signage at the event, verbal communication at the event).
Place alcoholic beverages (including any beverages brought by guests) in one location and monitor that location in a way that would ensure guests under the age of 21 do not obtain alcohol or guests who are 21 are not served alcohol in excess. (Competitions involving the consumption of alcoholic beverages are discouraged as they can make it difficult to accurately monitor alcohol consumption).
Provide an adequate supply of appealing non-alcoholic beverages and substantive snacks/food. These should be available to all guests and located in a prominent location.
One of the common reasons hosts lose control of an event is because unknown students arrive. Limiting the attendance to students who are known by the hosts can be accomplished by having a guest list.
Hosts should also ensure that students who have consumed alcohol have a ride with someone who has not consumed alcohol.
For more information regarding responsible hosting, students are encouraged to consult with a staff member in the Student Life Office.
Illegal Drugs
In association with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act, Westmont has adopted and implemented policies that are intended to prevent the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illegal drugs and the abuse of prescription drugs by students and employees. College policy prohibits the use or presence of all controlled substances and any related paraphernalia. Students and employees are also prohibited from exceeding the dosage of physician prescribed medications. Substance abuse affects the individual, the family, and the community. Violation of college policy with respect to drug use or possession is a serious breach of our behavioral standards, and students who violate this policy are subject to the full range of disciplinary consequences, including expulsion from the college.
If you need help or know someone with a drug-related problem, please know that the counseling center, the health center, our resident directors, deans, faculty, and all other college personnel will provide assistance to those who come forward seeking help. The counseling center provides confidential consultations with trained psychologists and marriage & family therapists, and also makes referrals to outside counseling and treatment services.
Weapons Policies
Possession of firearms, explosives (including firecrackers and dry ice), weapons, (including but not limited to: swords, knives, air soft guns, beebee guns and toys that replicate or could be mistaken for real guns) or dangerous chemicals on college premises is expressly prohibited.
Timely Reporting of Campus Threats and Emergencies
In accordance with Federal law and in order to protect members of the campus community, the college establishes the following policy for the timely warning of serious or continuing criminal offenses and other emergencies or dangerous situations that pose a threat to the campus community.
Upon confirmation of a reportable criminal offense or other emergency considered to be a threat to health or safety, the college will issue a timely warning to the campus community (unless to do so will further jeopardize their health or safety).
Upon receipt of information that a reportable offense or other emergency has occurred, the college will take the following actions:
- A member of the Situation Readiness and Response Team (SRT), Executive Team or Campus Safety staff will determine whether the nature of the reportable offense or emergency amounts to a serious or continuing threat to the health and safety of the campus community.
- A member or designee of the SRT or Executive Team will then prepare an appropriate warning to the campus community that:
- describes the nature of the threat;
- provides instructions and/or recommendations on actions to take in light of the nature of the threat; and
- includes information on evacuation procedures if the threat requires such action.
- An SRT member or designee will communicate the timely warning to the campus community through any means appropriate including, but not limited to, one or more of the following ways:
- email alerts
- phone alerts (Text to Speech [TTS] and/or text messages and/or hotline postings)
- website announcements
- posted warnings
Unlawful Sexual Misconduct Policies and Procedures
Notice of Nondiscrimination
Westmont College does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, disability, genetic information, medical condition, religion, marital status, military status, or veteran status in its admissions policies or in the administration of its educational programs, including scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other college-administered programs and activities.
Inquiries regarding the obligations of Westmont College under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 may be directed to: Edee Schulze, Vice President for Student Life/Title IX Officer; telephone: (805) 565-6028; email: or to the Director, U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C. 20201.
Parental Contact
The college is permitted but is not required to contact your parents under the following circumstances:
- If either parent claims you as a dependent on their federal income tax returns,
- If you are under 21 and found responsible for violating college policy or federal or state law related to alcohol or a controlled substance,
- If you have a health or safety emergency.
Patriot Act
The USA Patriot Act, signed into law by President Bush in October 2001, has given the federal government new authority to access education records that previously were protected by FERPA, campus privacy policies, and other laws. In order to minimize any legal liability for Westmont College, we must be prepared to respond to any request for access to student or employee records.
The Patriot act does contain liability-minimizing language (e.g., a college or university shall not be liable to any person for good faith disclosure of education records in response to a federal law enforcement request.)
Since the probability of Westmont College receiving a request for information under the Patriot Act is likely very small, Westmont College requires a response approach for which the cost is commensurate with the risk.
Therefore, Westmont College adopts the following policy regarding its responsibility under the Patriot Act.
- Any Patriot Act request (originating internally or externally) must be submitted to the Office of the President.
- The request will be submitted for counsel to the institution’s legal counsel.
- The institution, under the direction of the president’s designee, will respond to the request after review of the legal counsel.
Privacy Rights (FERPA)
Pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), you, as a student, are vested with certain rights and the college with certain responsibilities regarding your education records. These rights and responsibilities are as follows.
Inspection and Review
FERPA provides students with the right to inspect and review records directly related to them and maintained by the college. Direct your requests for inspection and review to the custodian in charge of the records you wish to see as follows:
- Academic records: the registrar (e.g., transcripts, test results, petition forms, correspondence regarding academic progress, class schedules);
- Student Conduct records: vice president for student life;
- Financial records: controller;
- Health records: director of health services.
The college must fulfill your request to inspect and review your record within 45 days of its receipt of your request.
Making Corrections and Amendments
If you believe information contained in your education records is inaccurate, misleading or in violation of your privacy rights, you may request the appropriate custodian to delete or correct the information. The custodian, or his or her nominee, must afford you an opportunity to present your opinion regarding the amendment of your records and must render a decision on your request within a reasonable time.
If the custodian denies your request, you may place a statement in your education records commenting on the disputed information and setting forth your reasons for disagreeing with the custodian.
Record Disclosure
Westmont discloses education records without a student’s prior written consent under the FERPA exception for disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official typically includes a person employed by the College in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position; a person serving on the board of trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as the Student Conduct Panel or Student Care Team. A school official also may include a volunteer or contractor outside of the Westmont who performs an institutional service of function for which the school would otherwise use its own employees and who is under the direct control of the school with respect to the use and maintenance of information from education records, such as an attorney, auditor, orcollection agent or a student volunteering to assist another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official typically has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an educational record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibilities for Westmont.
The college will also disclose information from education records to schools of intended enrollment; specified state and federal educational administrators; providers of financial aid; and emergency health-care providers.
Access to student records without consent may also be obtained by court order.
Westmont will send your grade reports to your home address as long as you remain a dependent of your parents. Students who have established independence from their parents may request their grades be sent directly to them at another address.
The college will keep a record of all individuals or entities other than college personnel who have requested or obtained access to your records.
Your Directory Information
Westmont will disclose certain information about you unless you submit a written directive to the contrary. Called directory information, this includes your name, address, telephone number; date and place of birth; major; participation in officially recognized activities and sports; dates of attendance at the college; degrees, honors, and awards received; and the most recent previous educational institution attended. It also includes the height and weight of members of athletic teams.
If you do not want your directory information to be released, you must sign and deliver to the registrar a Request to Withhold Directory Information form available from the Registrar’s office.
If you feel the college has violated your privacy rights under the act, you may file a complaint to this effect with the Office of the Secretary, Department of Education, Washington, D.C.
Registered Sex Offenders
Individuals who have been defined as Registered Sex Offenders are required to notify the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department if they are enrolled or employed at Westmont. This requirement includes contractors and vendors on the campus. Information regarding Registered Sex Offenders can be obtained at the Sheriff’s Department.
Crime Statistics
In accordance with the requirements of the Clery Act, Westmont collects and publishes crime statistics. The statistics are reviewed and prepared by the office of the Vice-President for Student Life and the Campus Safety Office. College employees who have significant responsibility for student and campus activities report these statistics. They include non-professional counselors, athletic directors, faculty advisors to student organizations, team coaches, residence life personnel, other student life staff, and the officers of the Campus Safety Department. Attached is a list of crimes and disciplinary referrals that have been committed as reported to College officials for the past three years.
Campus Crime and Fire Log
The Campus Safety department maintains a Campus Crime and fire log that is posted at the Campus safety office. This log contains a list all the crimes and fires reported to the campus safety department within the past 60 days. Also included is the location of where the event occurred, the date and time of the occurrence, and the status of the incident.
Missing Student Notification Procedures
I. Purpose
In accordance with Federal law and to assist in guarding student safety, Westmont College establishes the following missing student notification policy and investigation procedures.
A.Residential Student – For purposes of this policy a residential student is enrolled in the academic program and resides in on-campus housing.
B.Missing – For purposes of this policy, a Residential Student is presumed missing if he or she is more than 24 hours late in reaching their expected destination. A Residential Student may also be considered missing if 1) he or she is overdue in reaching home, campus or another specific location past their expected arrival; 2) additional factors lead College staff to believe he or she is missing, and 3) a check of their dormitory room supports that determination.
C.Confidential Contact- For purposes of this policy a confidential contact is the individual named by the residential student, to be contacted not later than 24 hours after the College determines the student is missing.
III.Notification to Residential Students
A.Residential Students are informed that they have the option to identify an individual to be contacted by the institution not later than 24 hours after the time that the student is determined missing.
B. Residential Students, who are under 18 years of age and not emancipated individuals, are informed that the College is required to notify a custodial parent or guardian if it is determined that the is missing. Residential Students who are 18 years of age or older are notified that the college will contact their parents if they do not identify an alternative confidential contact.1 In both cases, the college will contact students’ parent/guardian or other identified contact not later than 24 hours after the time the student is determined missing.
C.Residential Students are informed that the College will notify the appropriate law enforcement agency within 24 hours after the time that the student is determined missing.
D.The Office for Student Life will collect and maintain confidential contact information. The student is responsible for ensuring that the contact information is up-to-date and accurate.
IV.Procedures for Reporting and for Investigating Missing Students
- Any College employee who receives a report that a student is missing, or has independent information that a student is missing, must immediately report the information or evidence to the Office for Student Life and to Campus Safety. If Campus Safety is initially contacted, they will notify the Office for Student Life, whose staff will determine whether the student is a Residential Student. If the Office for Student Life is initially contacted, they will notify Campus Safety.
- If the student is a Residential Student, the staff of the Office of Student Life will conduct a preliminary investigation in order to verify the situation and to determine the circumstances which exist relating to the reported missing student.
1.A staff member will attempt to contact the student using his or her cell phone number on file with the College.
2.If the student cannot be reached by cell phone, two staff members will visit the student’s room to verify their location and/or wellness, and, in some cases, when appropriate, deliver a message to contact a parent or other person who is searching for them.
3.If the Residential Student is not at the room, but it is occupied, the residence life staff will attempt to gain information on the student’s location and/or wellness from questioning the student’s roommates.
4.If there is no response when the staff members knock on the door of the room or there are occupants who do not know of the subject student’s location, the residence life staff will enter into the room in question, by key if necessary, to perform a health and safety inspection. The staff members will take note of the condition of the room and look for visible personal property (wallet, keys, cell phone, clothing, etc.) which might provide signs as to whether the subject student has taken an extended trip or leave from the residence hall.
5.If the student is not found in the room, the residence life staff will attempt to gain information on the student’s location from roommates, other members of the residential community, or other friends. The residence life staff will also attempt to acquire additional phone numbers for the subject student (if not already on file) and use them to initiate contact.
6.At any step in the process, staff members will immediately report any suspicious findings to Campus Safety.
7.If all of these steps do not provide residential staff with an opportunity to speak with the missing resident or to learn his or her location, Campus Safety will be contacted to investigate further.
8.If the missing student is determined to be under the age of eighteen, Residence Life staff will notify the Dean of Students, (or his/her designee), so that contact will be made with the student’s parents or guardians; or other identified contact within 24 hours of determining that the student is missing.
9. If these steps provide residential staff with an opportunity to speak with the missing Residential Student, verification of the student’s state of health and intention of returning to campus is made. If needed, a referral will be made to the college Health Center and/or the college Counseling Center. Residence Life shall contact Campus Safety to document that a missing student investigation was begun and apprise them of the student’s state of health and well-being.
If the student is not a Residential Student, the Campus Safety department will conduct a preliminary investigation in order to verify the situation and to determine the circumstances which exist relating to the reported missing student. If the Campus Safety department determines that the student should be considered missing, it will contact the Student Life office who will contact the relevant outside law enforcement authority and provide the relevant information. If Campus Safety determines that the student should be considered missing, the person making the initial report will be encouraged to make an official missing person report to local police.
Safety Tips and Crime Prevention
- Report suspicious people to Campus Safety at extension 6222 or 565-6222.
- Avoid getting into places where you are vulnerable and there are no exits.
- Do not hesitate to call 911 or Campus Safety when strangers confront you.
- Lock your office or residence hall room when you leave at night or when you are sleeping.
- At night, walk in groups of two or more or call Campus Safety for an escort.
- Walk only on lighted footpaths after dark.
- When parking, remove valuables from plain view and lock your vehicle.
- Record the serial numbers of your valuables.
- Make a record of your credit card numbers and other valuables in your wallet.
- Write your name and ID number in several places in your textbooks.
- Lock your bicycle in your room or a bicycle rack with a high-quality U shaped lock.
- Report all criminal incidents and losses to Campus Safety immediately.
- Enroll in the self defense for women class taught by the PE department.
- Review the written safety plans posted throughout the residence halls.
Fire Safety
Fire Safety Systems
Westmont College operates 6 separate residential complexes on campus and an apartment complex in the City of Santa Barbara. Each of these housing units contains fire protection systems that vary by building. Listed below are the units and their systems.
Armington Halls
- Fire sprinklers in all the rooms
- Smoke detectors in all the rooms
- Heat detectors in the mechanical rooms
- Fire alarm pull stations throughout the buildings
- Fire horns and strobe alarm lights throughout the buildings
- Fire doors on all the suites and stairwells
- Fire extinguishers throughout the buildings
- Digital fire alarm panels monitored by Cosco Alarm Company
Van Kampen Hall
- Fire sprinklers in all the rooms
- Smoke detectors in all the rooms
- Heat detectors in the mechanical rooms
- Fire alarm pull stations throughout the buildings
- Fire horns and strobe alarm lights throughout the buildings
- Fire extinguishers throughout the buildings
- Digital fire alarm panels monitored by Cosco Alarm Company
Clark Halls
- Fire sprinklers in A, C, D, E, F, H, M, and S buildings
- Smoke detectors in all the rooms
- Fire alarm pull stations throughout the buildings
- Fire horns and strobe alarm lights throughout the buildings
- Fire extinguishers throughout the buildings
- Digital fire alarm panels monitored by Cosco Alarm Company
Emerson Hall
- Fire Sprinklers in all the rooms
- Smoke detectors in all the rooms
- Fire alarm pull stations throughout the building
- Fire horns throughout the building
- Fire extinguishers throughout the building
- Digital fire alarm panel monitored by Cosco Alarm Company
Page Hall
- Fire sprinklers in all the rooms
- Smoke detectors in all the rooms
- Fire alarm pull stations throughout the building
- Fire horns and strobe alarm lights throughout the building
- Fire doors on all of the stairwells
- Fire extinguishers throughout the building
- Digital alarm panel monitored by Cosco Alarm Company
Ocean View Apartments
- Smoke detectors in all the rooms
- Fire alarm pull stations throughout the buildings
- Fire horns and strobe alarm lights throughout the buildings
- Fire extinguishers throughout the buildings
- Digital alarm panel monitored by Cosco alarm company
Global Learning Center
- Fire sprinklers in all the rooms
- Smoke detectors in all the rooms
- Fire horns and strobe alarm lights throughout the buildings
- Fire extinguishers throughout the buildings
- Digital fire alarm panels monitored by Cosco Alarm Company
Fires in 2018-2020
There were no fires that occurred in residence halls on campus during the years 2018 and 2019. On 7/21/2020 a fire occurred in the GLC North second-floor kitchen. The cause was plastic storage boxes left on an electric stovetop. The damages were $200. There were no fatalities.
Fire Drills in 2020
It is the College practice to conduct one or more supervised fire drills in each of the residence halls each year. Whenever the alarms are active (planned or unplanned), a mandatory evacuation of the buildings is required. In 2020, because of COVID restrictions, the College did not conduct fire drills. Students were provided with instructions regarding fire evacuation from the residence halls staff.
Residence Life Fire Safety Policies
Appliances and Cooking
You may use hot air corn poppers which do not use oil and hot pots that do not have exposed heating coils in your room. Residence halls have kitchens for occasional, recreational cooking. The students in each residence hall are responsible to keep their kitchen clean, as Westmont does not provide regular cleaning service for them. Fire and safety regulations prohibit the use of appliances with exposed heating coils, microwave ovens, and toaster ovens in student rooms.
Bunk Beds/Trading Beds
In order to keep your sleeping surface below the wall-mounted smoke detector and prevent injury or damage from striking the ceiling, your mattress must be at least 36 inches from the ceiling. Your resident director has bunk bed connectors and he/she must approve any trading of beds between rooms.
Candles, Fires, and Oil Lamps
Safety codes prohibit your burning open flames or incense in any college building except Ocean View at any time. Violations are subject to a $100 fine per incident.
Electrical Cords
You may use UL-rated power strips with built-in circuit breakers as extension cords in your room. However, regular extension cords may fail at the outlet during a power surge and cause an electrical spark, representing a safety hazard. Therefore, these are prohibited.
Fire Equipment
County fire regulations make it illegal to tamper with fire equipment. Tampering with fire extinguishers, hoses, or alarms will result in a minimum $100 fine, and damaged equipment or emptied fire extinguishers will result in additional charges.
Firearms and Fireworks
As the possession of fireworks and firearms is illegal, and for safety reasons, you may not possess weapons, firearms, or fireworks on campus at any time. This includes air soft guns and pellet guns. Violators of this policy are subject to suspension.
Westmont provides ceiling-mounted fluorescent fixtures in each room. The college recommends that you bring your own desk lamp. Westmont allows the use of new fluorescent torchieres bearing the Energy Star label. These cost more to purchase but provide a safer, more efficient torchiere.
Halogen floor lamps (torchieres) are prohibited. Though inexpensive to purchase, they present serious safety concerns because the bulbs burn at extremely high temperatures (1,000°F). They can easily ignite flammable and combustible materials. Halogens also require a large amount of electricity to operate. You should place personal light fixtures away from flammable materials such as draperies, mattresses, carpet, bed linens, and clothing.
Smoke Detectors
Each residence hall room is supplied with a working smoke detector. Please do not remove or tamper with the smoke detectors. If you are experiencing any problems with your smoke detector, contact a residence life staff member immediately. Campus safety personnel check smoke detectors in rooms during Christmas break to insure they are in working condition. Any smoke detectors that have been removed or damaged will be replaced, and the residents of the room will be charged.
Westmont College sits in a wild land interface with the Los Padres National Forest. We are subject extreme fire danger situations at various times throughout the year. As a result the College has a no smoking policy everywhere on the campus including within all buildings.
Emergency Response Procedures
- [The following reflects the content of our Emergency Info page as of the date of this Clery Report. It may have been updated since then.]
We are thankful to not currently be facing an emergency situation. We will update this page as information develops that may be helpful to you. We will also use various other means to reach our students, staff and faculty, including text message, automated voice calls, emails, and word of mouth.
You may also wish to keep in some convenient location our Crisis Hotline number: 888/565-7911. It will be refreshed with updates that are as current as possible if our website is down.
Students should add a contact in their cell phone titled "Westmont Emergency" and showing the number "802-467-0673". This is the number that will show up on caller ID in case Westmont broadcasts an emergency announcement by cell phone or text message. (Click here to view Westmont's Timely Warning policy, in compliance with the federal Clery Act requirements.)
Students are reminded periodically that we will only be able to reach them (or someone about them) in an emergency if they have updated their contact information on the Student Profile page. Depending upon the circumstance, we may route emergency notifications via cell phone, email and/or text message.
Emergency Response - Immediate Actions
- Go to the gym
If it's safer to leave campus, we'll coordinate departure from there.
If it's safer to shelter at the gym, that's what we'll do.
Bring backpack, meds, empty bladder - Do not leave the campus solo
Wait for official word about whether to stay or go.
We may need to use the seats in your car. - If time is short you're safer here
Gym has housed us safety before
Leaving late can be dangerous
Dorm Fire
- If door HOT, stay in room
or exit thru window if possible - If door COOL, open slightly
to check for smoke - If SMOKE, stay in room
and use towels, etc to cover openings - If no smoke, close door behind you and go to assembly area
(pull alarm en route)
Power Loss
- Never use candles
Use flashlights instead - Turn off computer
to prevent surge when power restored - Minimize movement in the dark
Library, DC and Gym may have backup power in case it's safe to find your way there
- Duck & Cover
away from windows, falling objects, power lines, building perimeters - Hold on
- Check in at dorm assembly area, then go to Lovik Field
and if safe to get them, bring your meds - Food, shelter, medical
The very basics will be available ASAP - If trapped, BANG on something
That sound travels better, and you won't get worn out shouting
- To the extent possible, HELP OUT
those around you with needs
Dorm Assembly Areas
Reporting a Fire
In all occurrences of a fire immediately call 911. For the purposes of including a fire in the statistics in the annual fire safety report, report the fire to the campus safety department at (805) 565-6222. The officer on-duty will investigate and file a report.
Future Fire Safety Improvements
The College plans to improve campus fire safety by retrofitting the remaining residence hall areas that do not have a fire sprinkler system in place. The College also plans to upgrade all of the fire alarm panels to digital systems to improve the identification of alarm activations and lessen the response time.